
Partners Conference Identity Design

Identity design for 3rd annual Coursera Partners Conference in 2015. Coursera partners conference is an annual event that brings together all level of stakeholders from across our global partner organizations for two days of lively discussion about MOOCs, online and blended pedagogy, and emerging trends in higher education. It is intended to provide an opportunity for members of the Coursera community to learn from each other and share their experiences in designing, creating, and delivering MOOCs, and to discuss the rapidly transforming in higher education, and is the most important events of Coursera.

I was tasked to design a visual identity that communicates the meaning of the event. The logo takes inspiration from the geometric circular quality of Coursera wordmark. The two overlapping circles symbolize an event where Coursera and partners gather together to envision the evolution of pedagogy.

The simple and iconic identity design marked the beginning of consistent and professional branding to create visual and emotional links to the annual Coursera events.